Constructing SYZ mirror via Maurer-Cartan equation
In 2002, Fukaya proposed a remarkable explanation of mirror symmetry detailing the SYZ conjecture by introducing two correspondences: one between the theory of pseudo-holomorphic curves on a Calabi-Yau manifold Xˇ and the multi-valued Morse theory on the base Bˇ of an SYZ fibration pˇ : Xˇ → Bˇ, and the other between deformation theory of the mirror X and the same multi-valued Morse theory on Bˇ. We prove a reformulation of the main conjecture in Fukaya’s second correspondence, where multi-valued Morse theory on the base Bˇ is replaced by tropical geometry on the Legendre dual B. This is a joint work with Kwokwai Chan and Ziming Ma.