2023-07-19 |
15:00-16:00 |
2023-07-19,15:00-16:00 | LR7 (A3-4 1F) |
07-19 Afternoon Math Lecture Room 7 (A3-4 1F)
Speaker |
Optimal Liouville theorems for fully nonlinear conformally invariant equations It is well known that entire positive harmonic functions are constants. Another classical theorem of Caffarelli, Gidas and Spruck says that entire positive solutions of $-\Delta u= u^{ (n+2)/(n-2)}$ in dimension $n$ are unique modulo Mobius transformations. We extend the above two theorems to fully nonlinear elliptic equations of second order and obtain optimal Liouville theorems. This is a joint work with Baozhi Chu and Zongyuan Li.